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発表時間:2024-04-29 04:39:07

五分三d Headings & body copy


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<em> For emphasizing a snippet of text with stress泛亚体育
<abbr> Wraps abbreviations and acronyms to show the expanded version on hover

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Use .initialism class for uppercase abbreviations.
<address> For contact information for its nearest ancestor or the entire body of work Preserve formatting by ending all lines with <br>


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Note: Feel free to use <b> and <i> in HTML5, but their usage has changed a bit. <b> is meant to highlight words or phrases without conveying additional importance while <i> is mostly for voice, technical terms, etc.


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HTML is the best thing since sliced bread.

An abbreviation of the word attribute is attr.

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<blockquote> Block-level element for quoting content from another source

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Use .pull-left and .pull-right classes for floated options
<small> Optional element for adding a user-facing citation, typically an author with title of work Place the <cite> around the title or name of source

To include a blockquote, wrap <blockquote> around any HTML as the quote. For straight quotes we recommend a <p>.


  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis.</p>
  <small>Someone famous</small>


Default blockquotes are styled as such:


Someone famous in Body of work

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A description list is perfect for defining terms.
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A description list is perfect for defining terms.
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For example, <code>section</code> should be wrapped as inline.

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Use <pre> for multiple lines of code. Be sure to escape any angle brackets in the code for proper rendering.

<p>Sample text here...</p>
  &lt;p&gt;Sample text here...&lt;/p&gt;

Note: Be sure to keep code within <pre> tags as close to the left as possible; it will render all tabs.


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<p>Sample text here...</p>
<pre class="prettyprint
  &lt;p&gt;Sample text here...&lt;/p&gt;

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